Monday, February 1, 2010


This is what I have felt like all orange with screws in it! No really, I have had a headache literally all day. It has been faint at times, and really at times. Right now it is tolerable, but after I post this I am going to shut my little eyes. I was highly surprised today when I pulled into Noah's daycare to see that it was open! We were really just going to go see because Winthrop still had classes today, but Rock Hill school district was closed and usually daycare runs on that schedule. I think Noah was more happy than me to go to school today. Two days in the house with Mom and Dad...enough!!!! I love him, but the kid doesn't quit talking...ever. I mean literally he talks in his sleep some nights. He's been good, but all over me. Again I have a love/hate relationship with that. I love that he likes to cuddle, but hate the fact I can't get house work or school work done because I have a monster of a three year old crawling all over me! I know when he is in High school i will want to re-live these days!

Besides the tension headache I have had all day I did make it to class, to the Y and then to the library to meet with my group about a project for class. I came home and had some of Chef Boyardee...I know gourmet and a pear and then I preceded to get acid with my tension headache, a very hyper three year old, and my esophagus feeling like it was burning I was not a very happy mommy. I love marinara based foods, but I cannot eat them!! I just don't know why I have to keep reminding myself that.

On a good note for the day a little present arrived for me in the mail. Stevie and I work out, and I am always trying something new, and well since I put running on the back burner for a couple of months I decided to order P90X. We got a deal off  Ebay and it came today. We are going to take measurements and pictures and do it for 90 days to see if it really makes a difference. Hey maybe we can become the new models for the product, haha not! It will be fun, I bet Noah will even try to do most of it with us! So we will see if it really works or not, I do my perfect push ups like the sheet tells you to and I was not ripped in a month, and I have done it for several months!

I'm off to dreamland!


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