Sunday, February 7, 2010

Weekend Spendend

That was pretty much a made up word, but that's the way I feel about the weekends usually most people spend way more during the weekend. I went shopping with my Mom for my big girl job to get some nice dress pants, and about six sweater/cardigan shirts. I did really good because it was all on sale! I was super excited. I got some great deals from American Eagle, Benetton, and Ann Taylor. Saturday night I just hung around the house with Noah and Stevie. Sunday we went to church, attended a baby shower church luncheon, and then came home and took a nap. It was fabulous. I then reheated a bowl of chili and made some rice krispie treats, and went to Wal-Mart with Noah to get some snacks for class on Tuesday. This weekend won't be too busy. I hope to get lots of school work done and then get ready to start work next Wed!! I am super excited. Off to watch the Super Bowl! I really don't know what the pictures are doing over there, but I tried to recreate my weekend through pictures, the stores I went to, chili and rice krispie treats, and then the church I went to. Maybe i will fix it later. Any suggestions on what is going on or how to put the pictures where i want in the post would be helpful!

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