Sunday, January 31, 2010

Sunday's Are Never My Rest Days

Most Sundays we are usually up, showering and hustling to make it to church, but this Sunday our church was canceled due to the overnight black ice and such. Thank goodness most of the snow melted today while the sun was out shining! I got lots of stuff done, even though this is not how my usual Sunday’s are. I cleaned the downstairs, worked out on our elliptical, played with my weights, fixed some lunch, and worked on school work all before 11:45! I was super excited how early in the day it still was. So I was just thinking  about explaining a little bit about the series I ran in and will be running again.

It is the Run For Your Life Grand Prix Series. In 2009 there were 9 races, but in 2010 there are 10 races. They are all the same as last year except they added a Great Harvest Bread Run. You can visit their site Run For Your Life and check out upcoming events, store events, and register for races. If you do the total of 10 races you have to register by March 12th and the total cost is $150. You can choose to pay race by race also. There is about 1 race a month until November. It is a great way to meet other runners, socialize, get fit, and compete. Most do it just for fun though! In running it gives you something to work towards during each run you run. Such as if you have a 5K coming up you may work on speed, but then when the 15K comes around you need to focus more on distance. Running is not for everyone, but everyone can learn to run. I started with just 15 minutes on the treadmill and worked my way up to many 10-12 mile runs. I do encourage you to set a goal, sign up for a race, and get busy training! 


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